NZ Net Code of Conduct

By participating in the NZ Net, we agree to abide by the following Code:

  1. We aim to develop and continually improve our skills as CW operators so that we can more effectively communicate with our fellow radio amateurs.
  2. We welcome all operators to the Net, and respect each operator’s choice as to their level of participation. We discourage the monopolizing of the Net by individual operators.
  3. We demonstrate respect for our fellow operators and encourage other Net participants to develop their skills in CW net operations in a collegial and constructive environment. We do not give unsolicited feedback to other operators (on-air or off-air), with the exception of an honest signal report. We do not tolerate any bullying or abuse of other operators (on-air or off-air).
  4. We follow the directions of Net Control at all times during the Net.
  5. We support the NZ Net Manager, or their delegate(s), in their leadership and direction of the Net.

The NZ Net Manager and the other permanent Net Control Operators will be responsible for reviewing any reports of violations of the NZ Net Code of Conduct. They may speak to persons involved and will decide whether a response is required. Any action that they take in response to a Code of Conduct violation will be unanimous. Responses can range from a warning message, to suspension of an operator from the net (either temporarily or permanently).

The Net Manager will inform the offending operator, and any other parties involved, in writing, of the action being taken. In cases of suspension, and for the avoidance of on-air confusion, all regular net participants will be informed that an operator (who will generally not be identified) has been suspended.

This code was adopted unanimously by the five permanent net control operators of the NZ Net (ZL1NZ, ZL2GD, ZL2GVA, ZL2KE and ZL4KX) on 28 February 2023, following a two-week consultation period in which net operators were invited to comment on the draft version.