Bruce Scahill Best Fist Award

Marconi 365B key used by the late Bruce Scahill ZL1BWG

Marconi 365B key used by the late Bruce Scahill ZL1BWG

The Best Fist Award, part of New Zealand Straight Key Night, is named in honour of the late Bruce Scahill ZL1BWG of Onerahi, Whangarei.

Bruce was a dedicated supporter of SKN and other New Zealand CW events. He died on 12 December 2022, barely a week after participating in the Summer SKN.

The award, first conferred in June 2023, is judged by popular vote. Participants and casual listeners are encouraged to evaluate the quality of the Morse sending heard during each Straight Key Night, and to submit their nomination for the best fist heard – in other words, the fist that sounds closest to perfectly timed Morse Code.

The winner receives a certificate. In the event of a tie, multiple certificates are awarded.

» Nominate an operator for the most recent SKN. Nominations close 1 week after the event.


Jun 2023: Grant Daniels ZL2GD
Dec 2023: Alan Meek ZL1RQ and Grant Daniels ZL2GD
Jun 2024: Greg Walsh ZL4GW
Dec 2024: No winner, due to lack of votes