VKCW Net is a weekly CW amateur radio net, based in Australia. The net regularly attracts check-ins from Australia and New Zealand.

Occasionally, formal traffic is passed.

Time: 0603 every Wednesday (UTC)

Frequency: 14.049 MHz

Net Manager: Roy VK6RR

Net Control: Manny VK3DRQ (Blackburn, VIC)

How the net works

Operators may call each other informally before 0600 UTC and exchange signal reports.

From 0600-0603, a silence period is observed.

At 0603, Net Control calls for stations to check in, and gives each station a QRY (number in the queue).

After all stations have checked in, Net Control calls each station for signal reports and any traffic.

Signal reports

Reports are typically given as RSN (Readability, Signal Strength and Noise Strength) rather than RST.