Links to websites dealing with amateur radio (“ham radio”) and related topics
National Organisations
New Zealand: NZ Association of Radio Transmitters – NZART
Australia: Wireless Institute of Australia – WIA
Radio Amateur Societ of Australia – RASA
USA: American Radio Relay League – ARRL
General Amateur Radio Sites
Amateur Radio Callsign Directory (
Origins of Hamspeak (from AC6V)
Collins Collectors Association
Crystal suppliers
Morse Code
Morse equipment suppliers
BaMaTech (German key maker)
Begali (Italian key maker)
Chevron (UK key maker, apparently out of business) (US key maker)
Frattini keys (Italian key maker)
G4ZPY (UK key maker)
Hi-Mound key parts (including clear plastic covers for BK-100 bugs, site is in Japanese only)
Kent keys (UK key maker, rumoured to be out of business)
Morse Express (Apparently no longer in business, following the death of its owner Marshall Emm N1FN in 2020)
(US maker of Vibroplex and Bencher keys, distributor of Japanese GHD and Hi-Mound keys
W0EB (US maker of dot stabilisers for Vibroplex and other semi-automatic keys, apparently no longer in business)
2B Radio Parts (US supplier of parts for morse keys, no longer in business)
Morse telegraphy key collections & information (pictorial catalogue of all sorts of keys)
The Telegraph Office (on the Internet Archive)
Telegraph Museum by Tom Perera W1TP
Magazines and newsletters about Morse Code
Key – Down Under, newsletter of FISTS Down Under (published irregularly)
Key Note, monthly newsletter of FISTS Europe
Morsum Magnificat (quarterly issues, 1986-2004)
NZ Net News, fortnightly newsletter of the New Zealand Net
QNI, newsletter of Radio Relay International
Solid Copy, monthly newsletter of CW Ops
Sparks Journal, quarterly magazine of the Society of Wireless Pioneers (1977-1986)
Morse history & general
Australian Telegraph Office – Ron McMullen’s very large collection of keys and memorabilia
Telegraph Lore (landline telegraphy)
Examples of Morse Code in movies, television shows, etc.
Morse operating aids
Radiogram message forms (You can download and print these on A4 or Letter-size paper.)
Video: Adjusting a Vibroplex Bug
Morse organisations
NZ Net – the national amateur radio network of Aotearoa New Zealand
First Class CW Operators Club (FOC)
Society of Wireless Pioneers (SOWP)
Learning Morse Code
TeachMorse is a Windows application that works on Windows XP through to Windows 10 and provides a way to play practice text at different speeds. It uses the Howard Cunningham teaching character string which is similar to the ‘Koch’ method. TeachMorse is available free to download from the NZART website.
NZART also has offers a Morse test at an extremely basic level.
How to learn Morse (Malta Amateur Radio League)
Morse Code Practice (W1AW – American Radio Relay League)
Morse Code Translator (Type in your text and hear it in Morse!)
Maritime Radio
Musick Point Radio Group – an amateur radio club in Auckland, dedicated to preserving the former home of coast station Auckland Radio ZLD – historical information about New Zealand coast radio stations
Radio NZ programme on the 100th anniversary of Wellington Coast Radio station ZLW (July 17 2011) – unfortunately the very first sentence in the report is wrong – the morse being sent is not the ZLW callsign, but rather “CQ”, the general call to all stations
Maritime Radio Historical Society (US)
Other Radio Sites (Non-Amateur)
New Zealand Vintage Radio Project